King’s Cup Rules (2020)

Kings Cup Ring of Fire Rules .png

King’s Cup (aka Kings Cup, Kings or Ring of Fire) is by far one of the most popular drinking games, but with so many variations, it can be hard to know which rules are the best to play with.

Until now.

We put together this simple chart of the very best King’s Cup rules and card assignments so you can stop focusing on how to play, and start focusing on not focusing on anything because you’ll probably be drunk.

Kings Cup Rules.png



King’s Cup Rules

Put a large cup; the king's cup (eyebrow raise*), in the center of a table and have everyone gather 'round like papa's story time.

Each player takes turns drawing cards and following the instructions corresponding to each card.

An example of a card would be 'raise your hand to heaven' if you draw a '7'. The last person to do so takes a drink.

How to Play Kings Cup.png

Kings Cup Card Assignments

Ace - Waterfall. (Each player starts drinking at the same time as the person to their left. NO player can stop drinking until the person before them stops.)

Two - You. (Whoever draws this can choose anyone to take a drink.)

Three - Me. (The person who draws this takes a drink.)

Four - Floor. (The last person to touch the floor takes a drink.)

Five - Guys. (All the guys at the table drink.)

Six - Chicks. (All the girls at the table drink.)

Seven - Heaven. (If you draw this card, raise your hand above you head. Every other player must do so as well. The last person takes a drink.)

Eight - Mate. (Choose someone to be your mate. For the rest of the game, they drink when you drink.)

Nine - Rhyme. (You say a word, then the person to your right has to say a word that rhymes. This continues until someone can't think of a word. That person takes a drink. You can't reuse words.)

Ten - Categories. (Come up with a category of things. The person to your right must name something that falls within the category. This continues until someone can't think of something. That person takes a drink.)

Jack - Never Have I Ever. (Everyone plays Never Have I Ever.)

Queen - Questions. (Ask someone a question. That person then asks someone else a question. This continues until someone messes up or fails to ask a question. That person drinks. No question can be repeated.)

King - King's Cup. (Set a rule to be followed, e.g. stand on one foot when you drink, only speak in an accent, etc.)

When each of the first 3 Kings is drawn, the person who drew it puts some of their drink into the King's Cup in the center of the table. When the 4th King is drawn, the person who drew it must drink the entire King's Cup.)

Games can either end when the last card from the deck is drawn, or when the king's cup has been drunken.

Or you know… when you are drunken.

Check out oUr list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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