Drunk Uno Rules (Best Rules)

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Most Drunk Uno rules are terrible, and unlike beer pong, will have you taking a ridiculous amount of shots regardless of your skill at the game.

That’s why we created the ultimate Drunk Uno rules that actually make sense for the game. Once you play this way, you’ll never play it any other way.

So if you want to know how to play Drunk Uno, or you just want a quick refresher, these are the only rules you’ll ever need.

Bookmark this page so you never have to search for these again.

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Drunk Uno Rules

What do you need to play?

A regular deck of Uno.

Three shot glasses for each player.

Your favorite liquor.


2-10 players.

The Goal

The goal of Drunk Uno is to be the first person to play the very last card in your hand. Players score points for the cards their opponents have left in their hands at the end of each round. In addition, each player with one or more wild cards or wild 4 cards left in their hand at the end of a round must take a shot by drinking a lifeline.

Who Goes First?

Each player draws a card. The player who draws the highest numerical card is the dealer, and the player to the left of them goes first.

(When playing multiple hands of Drunk Uno, the dealer rotates clockwise each hand.)

If players draw a card without a number value, like a Skip card, they should return the card to the bottom of the deck and draw a new one.

If two or more players draw the same high card, those players should return those cards to the bottom of the deck and redraw.

Begin the Game

At the start of the game, each player is given three shot glasses filled with your favorite liquor. These are your lifelines.

At the start of each hand, each player is dealt 7 cards face down.

The remaining cards are placed face down in the draw pile. Make sure to leave space for a discard pile alongside the draw pile.

Place the top card of the draw pile face up on the discard pile to begin the game.

If this card is a wild card, or a wild draw 4 card, place the card in the center of the draw pile and draw a new card.


The player to the left of the dealer begins the game.

Match the top card from the discard pile by color, number or word.

So if it’s your turn, and the card on top of the discard pile is a red 7, you must play a 7, or any red. You may also play any wild card or wild draw 4 card.


If you play a wild card, you choose the color for the next turn.

If you play a draw two card, the next player must draw two cards and their turn is skipped.

If you play a wild draw 4 card, choose the color for the next turn, but the next player must draw four cards and their turn is skipped.


Drinking one of your lifelines can cancel the effect of any special card, (wild, skip, reverse, draw two or wild draw 4 cards).

Once you drink a lifeline, flip the shot glass upside down on the table in front of you. It cannot be used again for the rest of the game. Not just the hand, the entire game.


If you can’t play a card because you can’t match the color, number, wording, or you don’t have any wild or skip cards, you must draw a card from the draw pile.

If you draw a card that can be played, play it, otherwise, your turn ends play moves to the next player.

If you can’t play your last card, you must draw another card and continue playing until someone’s hand is empty.


Once you get down to the second to last card in your hand, yell Uno! If you do not, and another player catches you with only one card in your hand before the next person plays a card, you must draw four more cards.


After a player plays their last card, they win the round and the hand is over.

If you’re the winner of the hand, you get points for all the card the other players are left with.

Number cards are worth the amount written on the card.

Draw 2, reverse and skip card are worth 20 points.

Wild cards and wild draw 4 cards are worth 50 points.


If you’re caught with a wild card or a wild draw 4 card after a hand has been won, you must drink one of your lifelines.

Regardless of the amount of wild cards or wild draw 4 cards you’re caught with at the end of a hand, you still only drink one of your lifelines.

If you’re caught with a wild card or a wild draw 4 card after a hand has been won, and you’re out of lifelines to drink, you must drink an opponent’s lifeline of your choice.

If no lifelines are remaining for any of your opponents either, you must pour yourself a new lifeline and drink it.

Winning the Game

The first player to score 500 points wins the game.

Check out our list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.

Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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