Rage Cage Rules (2020)

How to Play Rage Cage.jpg

Rage Cage is a popular drinking game that’s perfect for pre-gaming or adding some excitement to any party.

It’s in the vein of games like Flip Cup or Chandeliers, where you can get a lot of people all in on the action at the same time, and the rules for Rage Cage are pretty simple so you can get an entire group playing quickly.

So if you want to know how to play Rage Cage, or you just want a quick refresher, these are the only rules you’ll ever need.

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Rage Cage Rules.png



Rage Cage Rules

What do you need to play?

Two ping pong balls.

Ten or more plastic ‘Solo’ cups.

One table.


3 or more players.


Place all the cups together in the center of the table.

Fill the cups a third of the way up, but fill the cup in the center up all the way.

All players stand around the table.

Pick two players standing across from each other to start, and give each of them a ping pong ball.


The entire group counts down from ‘3’ to start the game.

The two starting players each take a cup closest to them and drink its contents. They then try to quickly bounce their ping pong ball into their empty cup.

Once a player bounces a ball into their empty cup, they pass the cup and the ball clockwise to the next player to do the same.

If a player happens to make it on their first try, they can pass the cup to any player on the table who is not still bouncing.

This continues until a player makes a ball into their cup, while the next person is still bouncing.

Once this happens, the player who made it will stack their cup on to the cup of the person ahead of them who’s still bouncing. The losing player will then pass their stack clockwise, pick a new cup, drink the contents, and continue playing.

If a player accidentally bounces their ball into one of the center cups, they must take that cup, drink its contents, stack it on top of their previous cup, and continue trying to make their ball into the stack.

Winning the Game

The game ends when all of the cups have been consumed. There are no winners. Everybody loses.

Check out our list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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