Flip Cup Rules (2020)

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Flip Cup is a classic drinking game that’s perfect for pre-gaming or playing with big groups of people at your next party.

You may also know this game as “Taps”, “Flippy Cup”, “Canoe”, “Tappy Cup”, “Flippy Tap” “Cuppity Flippity Tuppity”… we’re just gonna stop.

It’s in the vein of games like Rage Cage or Chandeliers, where you can get a lot of people all in on the action at the same time, and the rules for Flip Cup are pretty simple so you can get an entire group playing quickly.

So if you want to know how to play Flip Cup, or you just want a quick refresher, these are the only rules you’ll ever need.

Bookmark this page so you never have to search for these again.

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Flip Cup Rules

What do you need to play?

Plastic ‘Solo’ cups (one for each player).


A long table.


2 or more players (2 teams).


Separate everyone into two equal teams. If you have an odd amount of people, one person can drink twice.

Have the teams line up on opposite sides of the table.

Place a plastic ‘Solo’ cup on the table in front of each player and fill them all up equally with beer.


Everyone counts down from ‘3’ to begin the game.

The first person in the line on each team has to chug the contents of their cup and then place it right-side up on the table hanging a bit off the edge (to give them room to flip it).

Then, using just one hand (no blowing) the players have to try to flip the cup over 180 degrees in a single motion until it lands upside down.

After each failed attempt, the cup must be reset to starting position right-side up, but players can make as many attempts as they need to get it.

Once a player successfully flips their cup upside down, the next person in the line can begin drinking and flipping their cup relay style.

Winning the Game

The first team to get the last person in their line to successfully drink and flip their cup wins.

Check out our list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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