Pocky Game Rules (2020)

How to Play the Pocky Game.jpg

The Pocky Game is a popular Japanese drinking game that’s perfect for when you want to spice things up at a party.

Our updated version is sort of a mix between spin the bottle, and that scene from Lady and the Tramp where they’re eating the spaghetti.

Don’t worry, everything will become clear to you soon.

So if you want to know how to play the Pocky Game, or you just want a quick refresher, these are the only rules you’ll ever need.

Bookmark this page so you never have to search for these again.

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Pocky Game Rules

What do you need to play?

Pocky (a delicious Japanese treat you can find in almost any large grocery or candy store. Each stick provides one game).

Alcohol of your choice for shots.

An empty bottle.


2 or more players (2 at a time).


Sit in a circle. The person whose birthday is closest goes first.

That player spins the bottle in the center of the circle. If the bottle lands perfectly between two people, spin again. Whoever it stops on is their opponent.

Both players put a Pocky stick between them Lady and the Tramp style.

Each player begins nibbling closer to the center of the Pocky stick like they’re playing Chicken.

The first player to back down loses and must take a shot.

Kisses result in a tie, and neither player has to drink.

Play continues clockwise around the circle until you’re tired of drinking or kissing people.

Check out our list of the 9 best drinking games.


For the best drinking game ever made, check out Chickenshit. Now on Amazon.


Drink responsibly ye olde young’ns.

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